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380 lines
* procFork.c --
* Routines to create new processes. No monitor routines are required
* in this file. Synchronization to proc table entries is by a call
* to the proc table monitor to get a PCB and calls to the family monitor
* to put a newly created process into a process family.
* Copyright (C) 1985, 1988 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/proc/RCS/procFork.c,v 9.8 91/07/26 16:59:50 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sprite.h>
#include <mach.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <procInt.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <sys.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <prof.h>
static ReturnStatus InitUserProc _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Proc_ControlBlock *parentProcPtr,
Boolean shareHeap));
* Proc_Fork --
* Process the fork system call.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
Proc_Fork(shareHeap, pidPtr)
Boolean shareHeap;
Proc_PID *pidPtr;
Proc_PID *newPidPtr;
int numBytes;
ReturnStatus status;
* Make the pointer to the process id that is to be returned accessible.
sizeof(Proc_PID), (Address) pidPtr,
&numBytes, (Address *) &newPidPtr);
if (numBytes < sizeof(Proc_PID)) {
* Start up the new process. The PC where to begin execution doesn't
* matter since it has already been stored in the proc table entry before
* we were called.
status = Proc_NewProc((Address) 0, PROC_USER, shareHeap, newPidPtr,
(char *)NIL);
Vm_MakeUnaccessible((Address) newPidPtr, numBytes);
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Proc_NewProc --
* Allocates a PCB and initializes it.
* Results:
* Pointer to process control block for created process.
* Side effects:
* PCB initialized and made runnable.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proc_NewProc(PC, procType, shareHeap, pidPtr, procName)
Address PC; /* The program counter where to start. */
int procType; /* One of PROC_KERNEL or PROC_USER. */
Boolean shareHeap; /* TRUE if share heap, FALSE if not. */
Proc_PID *pidPtr; /* A pointer to where to return the process
ID in. */
char *procName; /* Name for process control block */
ReturnStatus status;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* The new process being created */
Proc_ControlBlock *parentProcPtr; /* The parent of the new process,
* the one that is making this call */
Boolean migrated = FALSE;
parentProcPtr = Proc_GetActualProc();
if (parentProcPtr->genFlags & PROC_FOREIGN) {
migrated = TRUE;
procPtr = ProcGetUnusedPCB();
if (pidPtr != (Proc_PID *) NIL) {
*pidPtr = procPtr->processID;
procPtr->Prof_Scale = 0;
Prof_Enable(procPtr, parentProcPtr->Prof_Buffer,
parentProcPtr->Prof_BufferSize, parentProcPtr->Prof_Offset,
procPtr->processor = parentProcPtr->processor;
procPtr->state = PROC_READY;
procPtr->genFlags = procType;
procPtr->syncFlags = 0;
procPtr->schedFlags = 0;
procPtr->exitFlags = 0;
if (!migrated) {
procPtr->parentID = parentProcPtr->processID;
} else {
procPtr->parentID = parentProcPtr->peerProcessID;
procPtr->familyID = parentProcPtr->familyID;
procPtr->userID = parentProcPtr->userID;
procPtr->effectiveUserID = parentProcPtr->effectiveUserID;
procPtr->billingRate = parentProcPtr->billingRate;
procPtr->recentUsage = 0;
procPtr->weightedUsage = 0;
procPtr->unweightedUsage = 0;
procPtr->kernelCpuUsage.ticks = timer_TicksZeroSeconds;
procPtr->userCpuUsage.ticks = timer_TicksZeroSeconds;
procPtr->childKernelCpuUsage.ticks = timer_TicksZeroSeconds;
procPtr->childUserCpuUsage.ticks = timer_TicksZeroSeconds;
procPtr->numQuantumEnds = 0;
procPtr->numWaitEvents = 0;
procPtr->event = NIL;
procPtr->kcallTable = mach_NormalHandlers;
procPtr->unixProgress = parentProcPtr->unixProgress;
* Free up the old argument list, if any. Note, this could be put
* in Proc_Exit, but is put here for consistency with the other
* reinitializations of control block fields.
if (procPtr->argString != (Address) NIL) {
free((Address) procPtr->argString);
procPtr->argString = (Address) NIL;
* Create the argument list for the child. If no name specified, take
* the list from the parent. If one is specified, just make a one-element
* list containing that name.
if (procName != (char *)NIL) {
procPtr->argString = (char *) malloc(strlen(procName) + 1);
(void) strcpy(procPtr->argString, procName);
} else if (parentProcPtr->argString != (Address) NIL) {
procPtr->argString =
(char *) malloc(strlen(parentProcPtr->argString) + 1);
(void) strcpy(procPtr->argString, parentProcPtr->argString);
if (!migrated) {
if (ProcFamilyInsert(procPtr, procPtr->familyID) != SUCCESS) {
panic("Proc_NewProc: ProcFamilyInsert failed\n");
* Initialize our child list to remove any old links.
* If not migrated, insert this PCB entry into the list
* of children of our parent.
List_Init((List_Links *) procPtr->childList);
if (!migrated) {
List_Insert((List_Links *) &(procPtr->siblingElement),
Sig_Fork(parentProcPtr, procPtr);
* If the process is migrated, setup its process state on the home node.
if (migrated) {
status = ProcRemoteFork(parentProcPtr, procPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
* We couldn't fork on the home node, so free up the new
* process that we were in the process of allocating.
* Change the returned process ID to be the process ID on the home
* node.
if (pidPtr != (Proc_PID *) NIL) {
*pidPtr = procPtr->peerProcessID;
} else {
procPtr->peerHostID = NIL;
procPtr->peerProcessID = NIL;
* Set up the virtual memory of the new process.
if (procType == PROC_KERNEL) {
status = Mach_SetupNewState(procPtr, (Mach_State *)NIL,
Sched_StartKernProc, PC, FALSE);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
* We are out of kernel stacks.
} else {
status = InitUserProc(procPtr, parentProcPtr, shareHeap);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
* We couldn't allocate virtual memory, so free up the new
* process that we were in the process of allocating.
if (!migrated) {
List_Remove((List_Links *) &(procPtr->siblingElement));
* Set up the environment of the process.
if (!migrated) {
* Have the new process inherit filesystem state.
Fs_InheritState(parentProcPtr, procPtr);
* Return PROC_CHILD_PROC to the newly created process.
Mach_SetReturnVal(procPtr, (int) PROC_CHILD_PROC, 1);
* Put the process on the ready queue.
* InitUserProc --
* Initalize the state for a user process. This involves allocating
* the segments for the new process.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static ReturnStatus
InitUserProc(procPtr, parentProcPtr, shareHeap)
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* PCB to initialized.*/
register Proc_ControlBlock *parentProcPtr; /* Parent's PCB. */
Boolean shareHeap; /* TRUE => share heap
* with parent. */
ReturnStatus status;
* Set up a kernel stack for the process.
status = Mach_SetupNewState(procPtr, parentProcPtr->machStatePtr,
Sched_StartUserProc, (Address)NIL, TRUE);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
* Initialize all of the segments. The system segment is the standard one.
* The code segment is the same as the parent process. The stack segment
* is a copy of the parents. Finally the heap segment is either a copy
* or the same as the parent depending on the share heap flag.
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_SYSTEM] = (Vm_Segment *) NIL;
status = Vm_SegmentDup(parentProcPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK],
procPtr, &(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK]));
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (shareHeap) {
Vm_SegmentIncRef(parentProcPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP], procPtr);
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP] =
} else {
status = Vm_SegmentDup(parentProcPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP],
procPtr, &(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_HEAP]));
if (status != SUCCESS) {
Vm_SegmentDelete(procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_STACK], procPtr);
if (parentProcPtr->vmPtr->sharedSegs != (List_Links *)NIL) {
Vm_CopySharedMem(parentProcPtr, procPtr);
Vm_SegmentIncRef(parentProcPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE], procPtr);
procPtr->vmPtr->segPtrArray[VM_CODE] =